
How the Wildfire Defense Program Can Save Your House

Jun 18, 2015

General Articles

How the Wildfire Defense Program Can Save Your House

Wildfire Defense Program  

The lush forests of Washington are one of the best parts about living in the state. However, they can also lead to serious wildfire danger as shown by the Carlton Complex fire in 2014. Luckily, Safeco offers a Wildfire Defense Program that can help to keep your property safe when the flames get too close.The Wildfire Defense Program sends out crews to remove trash, overgrown vegetation, and fuel tanks from a property when the fire danger is high. Depending on the location of the home, they can also use temporary sprinkler systems, fire engines, and even a fire blocking gel to help keep homes safe.Safeco is contracted with Wildfire Defense Systems, Inc. to allow them to offer the program. They keep a map of Safeco's policies in force with the program, which allows them to provide Safeco with recommendations and reports during an active wildfire. If Safeco decides to trigger the response service during a specific event, Wildfire Defense Systems crews will work alongside government responders to help provide the extra mitigation support needed to help save the properties of eligible Safeco policyholders.If a wildfire response service is ever triggered, the €œCallout Team € from the Claims Service Center department of Safeco will contact any eligible policyholders to better explain the program and offer enrollment. For those policyholders who decide to enroll, a crew will be sent out to protect their house against the flames.For more information on the Wildfire Defense Program and how it can help to keep your home safe from the next wildfire to hit the area, contact the insurance professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance in Renton, Washington.
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