
What You Didn't Know Homeowners Insurance Could Cover

Apr 11, 2019

How to & Tips

What You Didn't Know Homeowners Insurance Could Cover

Lesser-Known Benefits of Homeowners Insurance

If you have a mortgage, then it'slikely that your lender requires you to have homeowners insurance. However,even if you don't need this coverage, it is worthwhile protection. Not onlydoes it cover your property, belongings, and wallet, but it offers additionalbenefits that many are in the dark about. Your homeowners insurance in Seattle can cover much more than you think.

  • Identity theft

Many homeowners don't know that theirhomeowners insurance can cover them if they are the victim of identity theft.Your insurance can help you to pay for legal fees, the cost of sendingcertified mail, and lost wages for the days you have to take off work to dealwith the issue.

  • Your belongings ' wherever you arein the world

Whether you're trekking across Europeor heading on a flight to Miami, if your suitcase, laptop, or other belongingsget stolen, you can fall back on your homeowners insurance to cover the cost ofreplacements.

  • The garden shed or detached garage

Home insurance policies includecoverage for detached private structures such as sheds or garages, usually as apercentage of your policy's total building limit.

  • Your studying student's belongingswhile they are at school

Many home insurance policies protectyour student's belongings when they are living away from home while attendingcollege or university. Review your coverage to be sure and consider gettingthem renters insurance if your policy provides limited coverage.

  • Liability coverage for volunteering

Your liability coverage can extendduring your efforts as a volunteer, meaning that you'll be protected if youaccidentally break something or injure a fellow volunteer while you are helpingthe local community.

  • Grave markers

Tombstones are not only depressing tobuy, but they are expensive. Your home insurance policy can protect the familygravesite from vandalism and damage.

There are plenty of benefits tosecuring a home policy! Are you ready to find the right home insurance policy? Visit the professionals at Humble & DavenportInsurance to get started on your tailored home insurance.

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