
What Should I Do After My Home Got Broken Into?

Oct 08, 2018

Home Insurance

What Should I Do After My Home Got Broken Into?

How to Handle a Home Burglary

Coming to home to find that your home has been broken into can be incredibly traumatic. Aside from missing beloved belongings, it also leaves you feeling as if your personal space has been violated. While this can be a physically and emotionally taxing experience, there are some ways you can keep stress and damage to a minimum. So that you can readily file a claim through your homeowners insurance in Renton, WA, check out these tips on what to do after your home gets burgled.Call the police. As soon as you discover your property has been burgled, call the police. If a burglary is in process, stay calm and do not approach the intruder.Don't touch anything. It's tempting to start tidying up after the thief but try hard not to. The police need to see everything first, just as you found it. You will also need to take your own pictures to support your home insurance claim. If you've got a security system, consult the footage from the break-in. You may be able to capture his/her face and provide this useful evidence to the police.Make an inventory.Dig out your safe home inventory (the list of everything you own along with the value of each item). Write down what is missing or has been damaged in the process of the burglary. Your insurer will need to assess what you have lost in the event in order to determine the pay-out. Having this information on hand will help to speed up the claims process.Contact your insurer. Call your insurer as soon as possible let them know about the break-in. Your insurer will then advise you about the next steps to follow, including changing the locks, making your home safe, and they may be able to help with the immediate costs. The pictures that you took of the scene will help your insurer to assess the damage.If you are looking to protect your home from all types of threats and damage, homeowners insurance is the way to go. Are you ready to find the right  home insurance  policy? Visit the professionals  at Humble & Davenport Insurance to get started on your tailored home insurance.
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