
What New Homeowners Should Do Within the First Year of Moving In

Aug 10, 2020

Home Insurance

What New Homeowners Should Do Within the First Year of Moving In
Purchasing a new home means a lot of added responsibility. When you move into your first property, you may be tempted to throw up the decorations and host a party, but there are a few essential things to do first. As well as checking you have enough homeowners insurance in Renton, WA, here are some top things to do within the first year of homeownership.  Must-Do Home Tasks When Moving In  
  1. Make an emergency budget
Making the shift from renting to owning can be an exciting way to build long-term wealth, but it also carries financial burdens of its own. As well as your mortgage, taxes, and insurance, you must consider the cost of maintenance and repair. If there's an emergency, this little fund that you've been adding to gradually will help you get back on your feet sooner. 
  1. Test fire alarms
Test all fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and change the batteries if necessary. Do not rely on the previous owners to keep fire safety up to date. 
  1. Get to know your house before making changes
It's a good idea to live in your home 12 to 18 months before undertaking any major renovations such as additions or knocking down walls. Generally, homeowners change their minds several times throughout the first year, so sit on ideas before knocking down walls and making large alternations. What you initially thought you'd change may be something you grow to enjoy. 
  1. Review insurance
Your homeowners insurance is there to protect your new home ' so make sure you have the right coverage in place. Review your home inventory and regularly update it, and work with a trusted home insurance advisor to ensure you fully understand your coverage. Talk to your insurer about your property to understand what coverage you need. When you need to find reliable homeowners insurance to suit your budget,  talk  to the professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance today.
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