
Understanding the Importance of Cyber Liability Insurance

Jul 05, 2023

Cyber Liability Insurance

Understanding the Importance of Cyber Liability Insurance

With cyberattacks on the rise, protecting your business against extensive losses with a data breach incident is essential. Cyber liability insurance provides the required coverage to help businesses overcome and sustain through this challenging period.

Continue reading to learn more about the growing importance of cyber liability insurance, including liabilities you may face with a data breach, and ways to prevent cyberattacks.

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Do All Businesses Need Cyber Liability Insurance?

All businesses, regardless of their size, need cyber liability insurance. Whether you own a global company or a small shop, you must have this insurance coverage. Today, all-size businesses use technology in their operations. Nowadays, increased incorporation of technology has benefitted businesses in several ways but has considerably exposed them to increased cyber liabilities. Let’s learn about the importance of cyber liability insurance.

Importance of Cyber Liability Insurance

Besides providing you with much-needed financial security after a data breach, cyber liability insurance also offers the resources needed to handle the liabilities. The coverage includes customer notifications, credit monitoring, and legal fees and penalties.

Types of Cyber Liability Insurance

  • First-party coverage: It covers the business's cyber risks and its associated losses
  • Third-party coverage: It covers businesses that provide cybersecurity to clients and need legal protection from client lawsuits.

Why do Cyber Criminals Target Small Businesses?

Small businesses are more vulnerable to data breaches as their financial resources are limited. As a small business owner, you invest more into establishing and expanding your brand. It often leads to your business's cyber data security system being compromised.

Reports show that out of 43% of cyberattacks on small businesses, only 14% have a robust cybersecurity system. This gap leads to small businesses being an easy target for cybercrimes.

What Does Cybersecurity Breach Mean?

A cybersecurity breach occurs when a third-party intercepts sensitive or confidential information from the system without your knowledge or authorization. The breached data usually includes names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card details, driver's license numbers, health records, and social security numbers. The breach can be performed in several ways, from damage to your security system and phishing scams to ransomware.

What Happens After a Cybersecurity Breach?

A cybersecurity breach may impact your business in several ways, such as:

  • Reputation: A customer data breach may result in a loss of trust among your clients, adversely affecting your business reputation.
  • Fines: If the data breach is due to inadequate system security where you store customer data, your business may have to pay exorbitant fines to credit and debit card companies.
  • Productivity: With your focus on estimating losses and getting back on track post-data breach, the business operations may suffer, leading to reduced productivity.
  • Thefts: Your client's financial data can be misused for bank account theft.

Preventing Data Breaches and Preparing for a Cyber Attack

You can prevent your business from data breaches or any other cyber-attack by inculcating the below-mentioned factors into practice:

  • Identify the potential risks
  • Form a breach response team
  • Design a breach response plan
  • Ensure data encryption for added security
  • Acquaint your employees of cyber threats and proper handling of cyber security system

Secure Your Data with Humble and Davenport

Securing your business from cyberattacks is vital for any business owner. It is advisable to have adequate insurance coverage to safeguard you from potential damage in cyberattacks. For more information on cyber liability insurance benefits, seek consultation from Humble Insurance Group. Contact our team at (425)- 226- 8221 to help you get comprehensive coverage at the best price.

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