
Toys for Tots

Nov 10, 2019

Article Archives

Toys for Tots

Join us as we collect donations for Toys for Tots.

We are excited to be working  with Toys For Tots to help  collect toys for children in our local community. We are hosting a collection box in our office to make it very easy for everyone to donate. Every donation helps make a huge difference to so many needy children during what is often times, a difficult holiday season for their families.The box will be collected the week of December 9th, so be sure to stop by and donate a gift or two before then!We and Toys for Tots would like to thank you all in advance for your generous donations.   With your help, we can make sure that everyone has a truly happy holiday season!   For more information about Toys for Tots or to simply get assistance with your insurance, contact us.   We are always ready to assist you with your insurance needs.Thank you, and Happy Holidays!
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