
Tips to Create a Safety Culture in the Workplace

Jun 05, 2019

General Articles

Tips to Create a Safety Culture in the Workplace

Maintain a Positive Safety Culture  

Every business has risks, regardless of size and location. One of the key considerations that business owners should be concerned with is the safety culture within their place of work. Even if you believe you have a seemingly small risk compared to other businesses, safety should play a significant role in your daily operations. A process to support and engage your workforce that focuses on safety and wellness can help employee adopt a healthier and safer lifestyle, both at home and at the workplace.Creating a Program to Support and Engage EmployeesRecognizing healthy habits and engaging your existing employees means promoting safety and encouraging a healthier lifestyle, both inside and outside of the workplace. A few key elements to consider include:
  • Injury and illness prevention: These programs can identify common injuries and illnesses related to the specific position. It should outline preventative measures.
  • Safety leadership and safety culture: Lead by example. Ensure that managers, supervisors, and yourself demonstrate the importance of a culture of safety across all operations. If you take your safety culture seriously, your employees are likely to follow suit.
  • General safety training: Don't train your employees when you first hire them and then forget about it. Include general, regular training that ensures your employees are up to date with the latest safety practices and keeps safety at the forefront of their minds.
  • Communication: Listen and encourage open communication. Involve workers in health and safety discussions, risk assessments, and reviews to get their feedback and suggestions on the latest updates.
These tips can help you to create a safety culture in the workplace. When you're looking for the right  business insurance, we can help.  Contact  the experts at  Humble & Davenport Insurance today.  Our dedicated team serves Renton and the surrounding areas in Washington €” Contact us to get started!
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