
The Dos and Don'ts of Managing Online Customer Reviews

May 27, 2020

Business Insurance

The Dos and Don'ts of Managing Online Customer Reviews

Managing Your Online Reputation

 Online reviews are now an integral part of the purchase journey as consumers seek out opinions from €œsomeone like me. € Businesses that don't ignore online reviews have a better chance of getting ahead of the curve and excelling their reputation. However, it's not always easy to know how to handle online customer reviews. To help, we've rounded up the top do's and don'ts for your business. Do:
  • Make it easy for a customer to leave an online review. If it's a long and arduous process, you can be sure you won't get many reviews.
  • Respond to all reviews, including the positive and negative ones. Thank customers for their positive reviews and try to resolve the negative ones. In either case, try to establish a personal connection.
  • Respond as soon as possible. Generally, it's best to respond to reviews within a few days of them being posted. This shows your business to be proactive.
  • Don't specifically ask for a positive review. Asking for a positive review is against the terms of service for nearly every online review site. You may only receive positive reviews if your business has earned them.
  • Don't lose your brand identity. The way you communicate with your customers should be consistent, whether it's on social media, Google, over the phone, or in person.
  • Don't become defensive. When faced with a negative review, your first instinct may be to defend yourself and your business. However, this can end up hurting your reputation. Instead, approach the review with calmness and clarity to resolve it.
 As a business owner, it's in your best interest to do what you can to improve your brand's reputation. To safeguard your business from risks, make sure that you have the right  commercial insurance. For a policy to suit your business at the right price, contact the team at Humble & Davenport Insurance today.
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