
Quick and Easy Ways to Defrost Your Windshield

Dec 11, 2018

Auto Insurance

Quick and Easy Ways to Defrost Your Windshield

Tips to Keep Your Windshield Clear for Winter

We've all been there ' dashing out to the car as we are running late for work only to find that the car's windows are covered in frost. It can be a time-consuming process, made even worse by the fogged up window glass inside. To avoid this dreaded situation, check out these tips to easily and quickly defrost your car's windows.
  • Turn on the heater
Start your engine and turn on the defroster. Crank the heater up all the way to absorb excess moisture within your vehicle.
  • Press the A/C button
This may sound counterintuitive especially as you are trying to warm the car up, but your car's A/C system draws in dry air. This means that there is a lower possibility of fog and condensation in the vehicle.
  • Turn air recirculation off
You need fresh air to enter the vehicle. Winter air is often cold and dry, so bringing it into your car increases the absorption capacity to quickly dry the saturated air trapped within.
  • Make your own solution
Mix 1/3 cup of water with 2/3 cup of rubbing alcohol to produce a defrosting spray. This helps to clear your windshield quickly without damaging your windows.
  • Avoid using hot water
Hot water will clear your windows quickly but it may crack and damage the screens. It may be tempting, but avoid using boiling water to prepare your vehicle.Another great way to protect your vehicle is to secure reliable car insurance. Contact  the professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance, serving Renton and neighboring cities of Washington for quality  auto insurance  coverage today.
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