
Ways to Celebrate National Yoga Month!

Aug 30, 2016


Ways to Celebrate National Yoga Month!

Whether you love yoga or a complete beginner, enjoy National Yoga Month!

National Yoga Month is upon us, which means that you're likely to think €˜Yay! Free classes' or €˜Yoga is for hippies and tree-huggers'. Maybe you're somewhere in the middle. If you're yet to be convinced that yoga is for everyone (old and young!), check out the benefits of yoga and get celebrating!Here are some great benefits practicing yoga can provide:
  • Yoga balances your mind and body. Connecting the two, you are able to focus on the single task at hand, clear your mind, and minimize stress.
  • Yoga can improve your health by releasing tension, stress, and gaining a positive outlook on life.
  • Along with a balanced diet, yoga can be an ideal form of exercise. From increasing flexibility to toning your body, you can develop essential core muscles.
  • It is completely easy and free to do! You don't have to break the bank to practice yoga.
Try these ideas to keep this month about yoga:
  • Start a sadhana ' a daily spiritual practice. A typical sadhana involves sun salutations, breath work, and meditation.
  • Bring a friend to class each day. It may take them a couple of classes to feel comfortable, but we all have to begin somewhere.
  • Pick the hardest pose and do it! Handstand scorpion. Need we say more?
  • Take a yoga retreat. Go to the mountains, a beach, a desert, or your nearest park and treat yourself to some time to practice and perfect your yoga.
Make National Yoga Month about personal practice so that you can fully celebrate the month! From the insurance professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance, we hope that you enjoy your yoga month! For all  of your insurance needs in Renton and surrounding cities in Washington, contact us today.
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