When your company uses automobiles in the course of doing business, it's important to make sure that you are properly managing your commercial auto insurance costs. This is especially true when you are just starting out with a new business. Owners sometimes believe that obtaining proper coverage will be too expensive, but you can definitely make the costs quite manageable.For example, you should check your employees' driving records, as their history will influence the rates you pay just as it would for personal auto insurance.It's also good to consider continuous coverage plans. Not only will this help prevent you from having a lapse in coverage, you may be eligible for a loyalty discount.Your accounting department should verify that you have properly budgeted for your insurance, to further ensure that you don't wind up having a lapse in coverage. Companies that experience a lapse in coverage often wind up having to pay higher premiums when they purchase their next policy.The talented professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance are devoted to helping clients find the right auto insurance to meet their particular coverage needs and budgetary requirements. For more information about managing your commercial auto insurance costs in the greater Renton, WA area, please contact
Humble & Davenport Insurance today.