
Safeguard Your Business From Lawsuits with Insurance in Renton, WA

Nov 15, 2016

Business Insurance

Safeguard Your Business From Lawsuits with Insurance in Renton, WA

In a litigious society, obtaining business insurance in Renton, WA is critical.  

As a business owner, you do everything to protect your company from harm and financial strain. Along with this, you take steps to stay out of a courtroom. Instead of simply relying on your professional liability €¯insurance €¯in Renton, WA to do all the work, you should have another process in place to protect your company.Document EverythingThe biggest mistakes small business owners make is failing to have complete documentation related to the claim. Small businesses have a lot to handle and many tasks, such as rigorous recordkeeping, go by the wayside. Be sure to keep good records of written contracts, complaint resolution forms, and confirmation emails.Communicate ClearlyProactive recordkeeping is important, but so is communication! You should discuss budget overruns, shipment delays, timeline changes, and errors in detail with the client and your team so that everyone is on the same page. No one wants to tell a client that things aren't going well, but most people understand that challenges are part of any project. Giving clients a heads up on anything that gets in the way of their product or service €¯often resolves any issue of them becoming upset.Train EmployeesRemember that if your employee makes a mistake, your business can be held liable for neglecting to train or supervise them. Before you let your employees represent your business, ensure they have adequate training and supervision.As a business owner, take it in your hands to prevent professional liability lawsuits. With the right practices and reliable €¯insurance €¯in Renton, WA, your business can stay safe. €¯Visit €¯Humble & Davenport Insurance to get started on securing the right policy for your business.
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