
Keep Your Boat Afloat With the Proper Insurance

Jul 03, 2014

General Articles

Keep Your Boat Afloat With the Proper Insurance
The warm summer weather is the perfect time to take out your boat and enjoy the water. Before taking out your boat, it is important to make sure that you have the proper boat insurance to protect your investment and save your hundreds or thousands of dollars in the unfortunate case of an accident.While your homeowners insurance policy may cover some boats, it is often not enough coverage. Investing in a specific boat insurance policy can make sure you are covered. Boat insurance covers a variety of situations, including uninsured boater, bodily injury and property damage liability, and wreckage removal.When it comes to taking your boat out this summer, it is important to remember to stay safe. Keep these boating safety tips in mind to ensure you stay safe this summer.
  • Do not drink and boat. Drinking and driving a boat is just as dangerous as drinking and driving a car. Always have a designated sober driver when enjoying the water.
  • Keep fire extinguishers onboard. Fire extinguishers on boats must be €œB € category, meaning they can put out fires that are gas-based. Keep fire extinguishers in multiple spots on the boat and check the expiration dates before taking your boat out.
  • Have enough life jackets. It is required to have a life jacket for every person who is on the boat. Make sure to use coast guard approved life jackets.
  • Check the weather. Make sure to check the local weather before taking out your boat to avoid getting stuck in undesirable, and possibly dangerous weather conditions.
  • Fuel your boat properly. Always run your blower for at least 5 minutes after fueling your boat to get rid of any gasoline vapors. Make sure to check the bilges and any closed compartments for gas vapor by using the smell test before starting your boat.
Contact the insurance professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance in Renton, Washington for all of your insurance needs.
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