
Is Your Company At Risk?

Nov 14, 2013

Business Insurance

Is Your Company At Risk?

Companies often allow employees to use work computers, laptops and tablets for personal use. In most cases, this would pose no problem, but in others, it can lead to major issues. It's been estimated that over 60 percent of small businesses do not back up their computer files and at least 65 percent do not have any of their confidential information encrypted as a means of securing it from online predators.

Almost 80 percent of employees walk away from their company owned computers, tablets and laptops, leaving them unattended and providing an open invitation for online hackers. Employees often store their own sensitive information on company devices, leaving it vulnerable as well.

Cyber awareness is one aspect of business that many company owners often overlook. The facts are clear, however, and it's apparent that the risk of loss increases when company owned electronics are not closely monitored. Business insurance policies from Humble & Davenport Insurance can reduce a company's liability when it comes to internet and computer usage. Companies in the Renton and Spokane, Washington areas can call the company's reputable agents to find effective ways to protect their businesses.

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