
Protecting Your Presents That You Received This Holiday

Dec 27, 2015

How to & Tips

Protecting Your Presents That You Received This Holiday

Once you've unwrapped your present ' insure it!

Christmas Day and the holiday season often bring an abundance of gifts along with the festivities! Today, you may have received quite a few good, and expensive, gifts under the tree!Now that you've unwrapped Santa's presents, it's time to gather your gifts and protect them! Since you'll want your presents to last for many years to come, it's important to cover them with the right protection. As electronics and jewelry are the two most common gifts of the season (and the ones adorning the heftiest price tags), you'll want to add them to your insurance policy.Insurance on the ListYour home insurance policy will provide protection of your belongings ' up to a certain limit. If your flashy watch, diamond ring, new phone, or high-tech TV exceeds the monetary limit on your home insurance, you'll want to purchase additional coverage! If your precious present exceeds the limit, it won't be covered by insurance, leaving it vulnerable for loss or damage.Stockings Full of JewelsUpdating your home inventory after every significant purchase or gift will ensure that you won't be without your great gift! For the home inventory, you should include information regarding the make, model, serial number, and receipt if you (or your gift giver) has it in hand. For jewelry presents, you can visit an appraiser to determine the total value of the piece as this may be different from what was paid. Often, precious gems, stones, and metals increase in value over time. So if you have your grandmother's ring with a ruby in it, you may consider getting it valued now!Are you ready to protect your presents? Humble & Davenport Insurance can protect your presents in  tailored homeowners and personal belongings insurance policies! For your insurance needs in Renton, Washington contact us so that you enjoy your gifts for many years to come!
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