
How Can You Benefit From the New Liberty Mutual Account Self-Service?

Dec 04, 2014

General Articles

How Can You Benefit From the New Liberty Mutual Account Self-Service?

It has never been easier to do business with Liberty Mutual Insurance! Liberty Mutual is revolutionizing the way that small businesses are able to deal with their commercial insurance policies, with their new self-service feature and coverage options in eCLIQ.

As a Liberty Mutual Account holder, you will be able to manage your complete billing account, including:
  • Viewing your account status, billing notices, and payment history.
  • Making online payments, or scheduling out payments for future dates.
  • Automatic withdrawals with electronic funds transfer.
  • Maintaining your bank data online for future use.
  • Setting up your account for paperless billing.
  • Setting up email notifications for different aspects of your account.
You will also have compete access to all of your policies, including:
  • Reviewing, printing, and saving any policy documents.
  • Viewing all policy activity, including endorsements and renewals.
Through the self-serve feature, you will also have access to Liberty Mutual SafetyNet, including:
  • Downloadable safety training information.
  • Access to OSHA tools, analyses, and industry research.
  • Identifying any potential injury, accident sites and build programs to help reduce risk.
  • Reviewing business continuity, disaster readiness, and crisis management plans.

The new self-service access will help to simplify all of your policy needs. Although as a policyholder you already had access to SafetyNet and Online Billing Service Center, they required separate logins. With the new  website, you will be able to access your risk control resources and billing account in one single place, with just one login!

For more information on how your small businesses can benefit from the new Liberty Mutual self-serve account,  contact  the insurance professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance in Renton, Washington. We will work with you to ensure that you have the right amount of commercial insurance coverage for your specific needs.

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