
Go Green While You Clean

Feb 05, 2015

General Articles

Go Green While You Clean
Three Eco-Friendly Cleaning SolutionsHave you been thinking about going green at home? Just swapping out your light bulbs is a start, but one of the most important changes you can make €”both for the earth and for the health of your family €”is getting rid of the chemical-filled cleaning solutions you use. Instead of using potentially toxic solutions, try these make-it-yourself, green options.
  • Glass Cleaner:  Mix one quart of water with a quarter cup of white vinegar together in a spray bottle. Swap it out for your current glass cleaner, and you will be able to get your glass sparkling without spreading ammonia around your home. You get bonus points if you reuse old newspaper as the cloth to clean your glass; it is great for a streak-free shine.
  • Tub Scrub:  Did you know that Comet contains over one hundred chemicals, including formaldehyde and chloroform? Ditch the deathly solution and mix 1 2/3 cups of baking soda into ½ cup of liquid soap, ½ cup of water, and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. A few drops of essential oils can make the mixture's  scent more enjoyable.
  • Wood Polish:  In a spray bottle, shake 1 tablespoon of dish soap and 2 cups of water together. Opt for natural, chemical free dish soap. Add a dozen drops of lemon essential oil to get the wood polish scent to which you are accustomed. This mixture will make your wood shine without exposing your family to harmful toxicity.
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