
How to: File a Claim for Your Homeowners Insurance in Renton, WA

Sep 08, 2016

Article Archives

How to: File a Claim for Your Homeowners Insurance in Renton, WA

Find out how to file a claim for your homeowners insurance in Renton, WA.

Homeowners insurance is there to protect your home after an accident. Whether your home sustained damage from a fire, wind, hail, theft, or another disaster, the first step is to file a claim with your homeowners insurance in Renton, WA. Before you go into a panic of losing your home and prized possessions, it's essential to stay calm. Doing so means that you're better able to file your claim calmly and correctly.Always read through your insurance policy to see what your responsibilities are. Here's how to get you started:Report any crime to the police.If you're the victim of theft or if your home has been vandalized, report it to the police. Get a police report and the names of all law enforcement officers that you speak with.Call your insurance agency immediately. Claims can take time so getting the necessary information to the company as soon as possible means that you'll get aid that much quicker.Make temporary repairs.Take reasonable steps to protect your property from further damage. As you buy tools for the repairs, save your receipts. You can then submit them to your insurance company for reimbursement.Get your home inventory list out. You're going to need to list what exactly you've lost in the disaster. Avoid throwing out damaged items until the adjuster has visited your home. Consider photographing or videotaping the damage. Get out your home inventory list for yourself, as well as a copy for your adjuster.Keep your receipts. If you have to move into temporary housing because your house is in devastation, keep your receipts. Many homeowners insurance policies provide coverage for the €œadditional living expenses € when your home is being repaired and rebuilt.Get claims forms.Once your insurance company has  been notified of your claim, the company will send you the right claims forms. Once you have filled in the forms, return them as soon as possible in order to avoid delays.Have an adjuster inspect the damage to your home.Your insurance company will probably arrange for an adjuster to come and inspect your home.Once you and your insurance company agree to the terms of the settlement, you'll be sent the payment promptly so that you can get your home back up and running. With an agency that works for you, Humble & Davenport Insurance, we can guide you through the claims process. Contact us in Renton, Washington to get started on the homeowners insurance that best suits you.
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