
Fall Back Time is Almost Here and With It the Time to Check your Smoke Alarms

Oct 27, 2013

Home Insurance

Fall Back Time is Almost Here and With It the Time to Check your Smoke Alarms
The end of daylight savings time is coming soon which means that everyone across the nation has to change their clocks back one hour. It's the fall back portion of the "spring forward, fall back" mantra that signals the start and end of daylight savings time. This also a time to check smoke alarms to make sure they are still working and to change batteries as well.You won't know if your smoke alarm has issues unless you take the time to test it. In fact, the only time you learn that there is a problem with the alarms is when the battery starts dying. It's not unusual for smoke alarms to simply "die", especially if they are ten years old or more. Take the time to get up onto a stepladder, open up the alarm and press the test button. If there's no beep, pull the battery, replace it with a fresh one and test again. If there is still no response, the alarm is dead and it's time for a new one.Regular maintenance of your smoke alarms can be the difference between life and death. Daylight savings time is an annual event; include checking smoke alarms as a part of that event.Are you in the Renton area and looking for homeowners insurance? Contact Humble & Davenport Insurance about available insurance policies and quotes today.
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