
Evaluations When Purchasing Home Insurance

Sep 12, 2018

Home Insurance

Evaluations When Purchasing Home Insurance

Consider These Factors When Buying Homeowners Insurance  

Whether you're shopping for your first home or your third, there's no doubt that buying a home is a major life event. With so much to consider, many homeowners wait to think about homeowners insurance until after they've signed on the dotted lined. To ensure you find the right homeowners insurance in Renton, WA for your property, take these considerations into account.What should you ask when getting quotes?Far too often homeowners simply presume things are covered rather than asking the questions to find out. Before you sign up for a policy, be sure you understand exactly what you're getting. Some questions to ask your insurer are:
  • Is water damage covered? If not, how much water and flood coverage is required where I live?
  • What natural disasters are covered?
  • What is the limit the insurer will pay out on any given claim?
  • If a burglar breaks in and damages property when trying to escape, is such damage covered (in addition to the items stolen)?
This list will help you to establish a basic idea of what is and isn't covered by your policy. The answers to these questions may prompt you to purchase additional coverage to safeguard your property and finances further.Finding the right policyIt isn't as simple as calling one or two insurers and asking a few questions when generating quotes. You should make sure you are dealing with a trusted insurer. Inquire about discounts for bundled policies, loyalty programs, and pay out limits. Furthermore, you should purchase a policy from a trusted insurer and one which pays out immediately in the event of damage.If you are looking to protect your home from all types of threats and damage, homeowners insurance is the way to go. Are you ready to find the right  home insurance  policy for your new property? Visit the professionals  at Humble & Davenport Insurance to get started on your tailored home insurance.
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