
Don't Be Fooled by the Latest Phishing Scams

Mar 21, 2019

How to & Tips

Don't Be Fooled by the Latest Phishing Scams

Email Warning Signs to Look Out For

We all know that cybercrime is on therise. Businesses are constantly being warned about it and individuals areacting to protect their personal information. Phishing is just one part ofcyber activity ' it's the term used for the fraudulent practice of luringpeople to websites they wouldn't normally use. It's usually carried out by anunsolicited email or instant message in an app. To protect yourself and yourbusiness from phishing scams, here are a few warning signs to look out for.

  • It asks for personal information

Financial institutions, reputableonline retailers, and service providers do not email their customers asking forpersonal information. A common phishing email is one being posed as DHL,tricking the customer into entering their personal details on a fake website.

  • Hidden or misleading links

One of the hallmarks of a phishingattack is a link directing you to somewhere other than where it claims to. Getinto the habit of hovering over links before you click on them. Some URLs maylook valid at first glance, but use a different domain (.net instead of .come,for example) or try to catch you out with a slight variation in spelling.

  • Threatening language

Read emails and messages throughcarefully. Phishing emails frequently contain spelling or grammatical errors,which can be a big giveaway. Emails often contain threatening language, too,such as deactivating your account or cutting off your service.

Knowing these warning signs shouldhelp yourself and your team to avoid phishing scams. When you're looking forthe right cyberliability insurance, we can help. Contact the experts at Humble & Davenport Insurance today. Ourdedicated team serves Renton and the surrounding areas in Washington €” Contactus to get started!

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