
Do I Have Enough Home Liability insurance?

Feb 04, 2019

How to & Tips

Do I Have Enough Home Liability insurance?

Find Out If You Shouldobtain More Home Liability Insurance

All home insurance policies generallycover two main areas: property and liability. Property insurance covers yourhome, any detached structure, and your personal items. Liability insurance willcover negligent acts you commit if you are deemed responsible. If someone getsinjured or their property is damaged and you are at fault, they could file asuit and you could be looking at a huge expense.

Liability covers you against bodilyinjury or property damage that you or your family members or pets cause toother people, as well as court costs incurred and damaged awarded. Broadlyspeaking, you should have enough liability insurance to protect your assets. Standardpolicies provide between $100,000 and $300,000 worth of liability insurance,although higher amounts are available.

If you own property and/or haveinvestments and savings that are worth more than the liability limits in yourpolicy, consider purchasing a separate excess liability or umbrella policy. Inmany cases, if you have additional risks in your home, you will need moreinsurance. For example, if you have a dog, pool, trampoline, or hot tub, thereis an increased likelihood of injury. Therefore, you should increase yourliability insurance or consider an umbrella policy.

When you arelooking to protect your pocket from liability issues, homeowners insurance isthe way to go. Are you ready to find the right home insurance policy?Visit the professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance to get startedon your tailored home insurance.

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