
Deck the Halls with These Winter Plants

Dec 12, 2018


Deck the Halls with These Winter Plants

Add These Plants in Your Festive Decorations  

€˜Tis the season to deck the halls with boughs of holly! Although holly makes fantastic festive décor, you can include some other humble plants into your holiday decorations. Holiday greenery can add color and life to your home on a chilly day and add a rustic theme to your seasonal décor. Take a look at the top holiday plants and how to keep them going throughout winter.Christmas TreeChristmas trees are the most iconic Christmas plant, and you can get them cut or potted. Once you've chosen which tree you want from the lot, saw off about ¼ inch from the trunk. Next, stand the tree in water for a few hours before bringing it inside. Position the conifer away from fireplaces, heaters, vents, and other heat sources. Fill the stand with water and keep it filled. A cut Christmas tree will drink a lot in the first week.PoinsettiaThis red and green plant couldn't scream the holidays anymore! These plants are well-suited to indoor living and make wonderful additions to any festive home. Choose a plant that has little yellow flowers in the center of the colored leaves. If you chose a plant that's shedding pollen or the yellow flowers have dropped off, it may not even last through the season. To care for it, avoid giving it too much water. Only water it when the soil is dry to the touch.English IvyIvy's association with the holidays, along with holly's, is one of the longest standing. Ivy was the Goddess who kept life going through the harsh winter months, and holly was her God. The plants continued to be intertwined throughout history with the famous Christmas carol €˜The Holly and the Ivy'. Keep English ivy moist in winter and add dropped leaves on your festive table for easy decoration.Let us know which plants you're using this holiday! For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, contact the team at Humble & Davenport Insurance today.
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