
Budget-Friendly Home Winterizing Tips

Dec 20, 2015

How to & Tips

Budget-Friendly Home Winterizing Tips

You don't have to break the bank to keep your home warm this season.

Cranking up your thermostat is the easiest and fastest way to warm up your house this season. It is also the fastest way to empty your bank account. Taking the right steps to winterize your house will help you stay warm and keep your wallet full. Keep these inexpensive winterizing tips in mind to get your house ready for the cold.
  • Prevent drafts ' the small space under your doors is enough to let the cold air in and push the warm air out. Roll up a towel of making your own draft snake to keep your doors sealed tight.
  • Insulate your windows ' installing double paned windows throughout your house can cost thousands of dollars. If new windows are not in your budget, simply tape bubble wrap on all of your windows to help prevent the cool air from heading inside while still allowing light to filter through.
  • Seal all gaps ' small cracks in your walls, doors, and windows let tons of cold air into your house. taking a few hours to caulk all cracks and holes will help to keep your house air tight while helping to save up to 30 percent on your heating costs.
  • Reverse your ceiling fans ' fans will not only work to keep you cool in the summer, they can also help to keep you cozy. Reverse your fans so that they are spinning clockwise to push the warm air down into the living space in your house.
  • Check your insulation ' pile up the insulation to put a thicker layer between your house and the outside world while saving big on your energy bills.
Having the right amount of home insurance can help to make sure that you have the right amount of coverage in case of any issues this winter. Contact Humble & Davenport Insurance in Renton, Washington for all of your homeowners insurance needs.
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