
Be Prepared for a Landslide

Jul 17, 2014

General Articles

Be Prepared for a Landslide
Landslides can be one of the most dangerous natural disasters. With very little to no warning of when a landslide will happen, it is important to be prepared. With the recent landslides in the area, such as the devastating one in Oso earlier this year, it is important to know how to protect yourself and your property from any damage. Make sure to follow these landslide do's and don'ts to ensure you are ready in the unfortunate event of a landslide.Landslide Do's
  • Make sure to regularly maintain drainage systems, such as pipes and ditches, on your property and keep all street drains free from any leaves and other debris.
  • Direct all storm water away from any steep slopes.
  • Perform sporadic inspections of your property, keeping safety as your main concern, especially during winter, and during or after storms.
  • Check weep holes on wall and make sure they are clear and are not clogged from any debris.
  • Be alert during and following any storms
  • Check your irrigation system seasonally.
  • Keep any yard waste off of slopes.
  • Leave tree stumps in the ground on slope when removing trees.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, make sure to contact a professional.
Landslide Don'ts
  • Do not direct storm water, or any other water, onto a slope.
  • Do not strip a slope of vegetation without having a re-vegetation plan.
  • Do not cut a hole into the bottom of a hill.
  • Do not install an irrigation system in any landslide prone areas of your yard.
Most importantly, make sure you have the right homeowners insurance policy to make sure you are protected in the event of a landslide. Contact the insurance professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance in Renton, Washington to get the most comprehensive homeowners insurance plan to best fit all of your needs.
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