
3 Ways to Help Your Teenage Driver Understand Road Safety

Apr 25, 2019

How to & Tips

3 Ways to Help Your Teenage Driver Understand Road Safety

Prepare Your Teenage Driver for the Roads Ahead

Did your child just receive his or herlearners permit? While your teen is undoubtedly excited, as a parent you areprobably extremely anxious. Your child learning to drive means that you nolonger have to be the chauffeur, but you also know how dangerous the roads canbe. To help your teenager understand the risks on the road, here are a few tipsto consider.

Think outside the box

When teaching your teen how to drive,it's natural to focus on steering and parking as their main objectives.However, it's important to think outside the box by remembering to discuss roadhazards and how to avoid them. Discuss potential dangers on the road and ensurethat your teen knows how to handle these situations.

Limit night driving

Driving at night requires a whole newset of skills for the driver. With the reduced visibility and more drivers onthe roads, it's a good idea to limit your teen' s driving at night until theyfeel more comfortable behind the wheel.

Check with your insurance agency

One of the last places call when theirteen has a learners permit is their insurance agent. However, agents typicallyhave resources to help teach your child the ins and outs of safety behind thewheel. Talk to your insurance agency to learn if they have any usefulresources, and ask about any discounts if your child does complete a safetycourse.

Make sure your teen is well protectedbehind the wheel. Talk to the team at Humble & Davenport Insurance to getstarted on tailored autoinsurance coverage.

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