
2019 Wildfire Season: Staying Prepared

Sep 16, 2019

Home Insurance

2019 Wildfire Season: Staying Prepared

Insurance Tips for Wildfire Season

Washington is predicted to have a particularly severe wildfire season in 2019. Wildfires are becoming increasingly regular as development pushes further into wilderness areas. In an effort to save lives and help our clients, we wanted to remind everyone of some basic but commonly forgotten wildfire safety information.Wildfire Preparedness:
  • Define your defensible space ' a 30-foot, non-combustible zone around your home
  • Choose fire-resistant plants and trees
  • Remove low hanging tree branches
  • Cut grass and weeds regularly, discarding of them properly
  • Stack woodpiles and other burnable materials at least 30 feet from your home or other buildings on your property
  • Recycle yard debris instead of burning  
Know What Your Insurance CoversYour home insurance policy covers repair and rebuilding costs. Now is the time to review your policy and ensure you have optimum protection to safeguard your property. Make sure that you have enough coverage to rebuild based on current construction costs. Your insurance agent will be able to help.Keep in mind that moratoriums will apply. This means that your insurance agent is unable to increase any existing coverage in the affected area until it is determined the increased hazard or additional exposure to risk has been controlled.Stay in TouchAs your insurance partner, we want to make sure that we are here to help when you need it the most. Contact your local agent at Humble & Davenport Insurance to find, secure, and maintain reliable home insurance. Located in Renton, we can help you protect your Washington home.
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